The mighty weapon of the fidgeting pirate
The mighty weapon of the fidgeting pirate

I had been so busy that week, with so much work to do and so little time for walks and fun with my son. It was Sunday and I needed a really good book to put us on the right track.

The plan was great, except that my son was in the mood for science. As I was sitting on the sofa, wisely refining my reading strategy, I heard him shout:

"I want to check your teeth, mom!"

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The mighty weapon of the fidgeting pirate
The mighty weapon of the fidgeting pirate

I had been so busy that week, with so much work to do and so little time for walks and fun with my son. It was Sunday and I needed a really good book to put us on the right track.

The plan was great, except that my son was in the mood for science. As I was sitting on the sofa, wisely refining my reading strategy, I heard him shout:

"I want to check your teeth, mom!"

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Knowledge and fun spice up motherhood
Knowledge and fun spice up motherhood

My son is so verbal that … No, wait, it’s not one of those jokes. I wish I were that funny … I'm kind of complaining here. My 5-year-old son is so verbal that when he doesn’t speak, he sings. And when he doesn’t speak or sing, he utters half-melodious strings of gibberish talk. With an accent, a different one for any of his improvs.

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Knowledge and fun spice up motherhood
Knowledge and fun spice up motherhood

My son is so verbal that … No, wait, it’s not one of those jokes. I wish I were that funny … I'm kind of complaining here. My 5-year-old son is so verbal that when he doesn’t speak, he sings. And when he doesn’t speak or sing, he utters half-melodious strings of gibberish talk. With an accent, a different one for any of his improvs.

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